Monday, April 5, 2010


April 5, 2010

drugs. unnatural. uppers. downers. speedball. mind-alteration.

your mind is not just a tool. it's you. it's how you tie a shoe, strum a chord, observe, talking about nonsense, making sense, looking around, thinking, creating, walking, breathing (now observe every inhale and exhale you make..breath manually. hassle noh?). the human mind is as complex as the unknown.

we only know what we know but our mind capable of so much more.

Now lets put drugs in the formula. drugs WILL change your perception for better or for worse, it will mutilate your consciousness, your train of thought even the way you walk. uppers. downers. speeballing. it will change you.

it may open a new door (or lock it),shut a window. but you will definitely not trully expand your mind's capabilities without outside aid. your train of thought are products of the things around you. family society tv friends experiences etc. you are programmed by these things.programming cages you. how about self-actualization?

bad or good? that's all up to you.

the whole concept of taking drugs is looked down upon society. we all know that. go ahead if you want to look good around society. we were all born with your own shit.

i try not to box myself in with what is "normal". i want to be infinite inspite of the few programs pre-installed in my mind by different factors ( family, society.)

smoke it. snort it. swallow it. inject it. your perspective will definitely distort or clarify. it does have a physical and mental effects but thats the point. you will see the world in a way no sober mind can. create things no sober mind can. because drugs, being chemicals, will affect the routing in your brain. everyone knows that

please dont get me wrong. the sober can be artistic, skilled, etc. they find inspiration from different mediums but i wont stress out on that anymore.

it's for everyone's free use.

if you want to, go for it. dont hold back if theres nothing holding you back.

if you dont want to but you understand the concept, give me a big high five!

right or wrong? that's relative. i just dont like stepping on other people's shoes neither should you.

its human nature to judge but dont judge a drug user for being a user, judge him by the way he is on stuff. better yet dont judge! judge the ends not the means.

drugs is not a deterrent for crime, poverty, violence, evil. from the very roots of evil, drugs have nothing to do with it. but it jsut gets associated with it.

GREED and APATHY is the cause of the above said.

drugs is a vessel. not the destination.

do what you want to do but shoulder your own consequences

live how you want to live with out stepping on other people.

bakes,coke,acid,valiums,etc..... name it.
drugs is not the problem. that LACK of LOVE and COMPASSION is.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Touche, my friend.